He held out his hand, fully expecting me to give the scroll
back. I stepped back with a look of defiance, my blade in a guard, angled so
the light glinted off back at him.
“Last warning kid. Hand the scroll over an’ I won’t use your
insides as wall decorations” The gruff man scowled. “And believe me- I will.”
I fingered the trigger at the base of the cross guard. I was
hesitant, knowing he could only looked unarmed. In this world, you never knew
who was an ordinary guy and who was one of the psychos. I shook my head. “What
even is it? This is just a job, and my employers are sure as heck is gonna pay
a lot more than a simple threat.”
“Never is easy, is it?” He sighed. “If I tell you I’m going
to need to kill you. Which, at this point, is soundin’ mighty pleasin’.”
“With what?” I feigned ignorance, already knowing his most
likely answer. I shouldn’t have taken the job. The untraceable transmission, stealing
a scroll from the Sigma-Omega vault (a red class vault I was told, and that
was hardly something I would turn down). I was up to it. Everyone knows I’m the
craziest transporter since that Ginon guy. Just like everyone knows Sigma-Omega
is a bunch of freaks.
“Was itchin’ for a bit o’ blood anyhow.” He growled. His
hands began to glow, and I pulled the trigger. My blade began to hum as the
edge vibrated, gaining a glow of its own.
I swore more colorfully than the time where the rebels
caught me snaking extra energy shards for Laz and Fin. I barely dodged the
first punch, my enhanced frame all that kept me from getting floored- or losing
my head. I looked critically at his arms, now completely enveloped in the aura.
His hand seemed to smoke as it tore through the air. Finally, I saw what I
expected. His hands began to change, from their fleshy tone into a dark grey. I
let loose a few more choice words. “Cybermorph!” I hissed. “You’re a human ‘bot!”
“A man that can become machine… Funny things in those
scrolls kid. Maps to more bits o’ power like this. Hand it over, I’ll kill you quick. Don’t… And I’ll have
some fun.”
I, of course, did the natural thing for an upstanding thief,
delivery man, and fine human such as myself would do when faced with a lunatic.
I sent my foot up, praying to every deity that came to mind that he hadn’t
fully morphed yet. His grimace, cringe, and squeak answered me. I then
completed my ingenious tactic as was only logical, tipping my hat and running
like I was on fire. Which, from the looks of things, could be a very viable
Haha! Very nice, the mix of deadly serious and humorous. This young mercenary, and his violent opposition! I like how the boy had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen, and his predictions came true. But still, he's so funny! Either qualified and secure, or terribly arrogant, hard to say which... but there he is, standing there holding onto the scroll adamantly! And his commentary in the last paragraph... xD That's amazing. And the ending that's a cliffhanger which we don't even mind, since it's funny and we haven't invested much into the boy... mainly just appreciating his with and cool humor in the face of extreme danger. It's great! xD