This is Jamie here. ;D So, it would be a good idea to write out a lovely long post describing exactly what this is about and how it came about and how it will work. =D
...But we're not quite sure how it will work. xD Just testing it out.
1) Post from your own account, if you have one.
2) If not, use the SS account, but don't leave yourself logged in when you're done... so we don't get locked out with a spam warning.
3) Don't forget to identify yourself if posting from the SS account. U_U (edit: And, on second thoughts, it might be a good idea to identify yourself at the beginning of your post anyway, so people don't have to scroll down to the bottom to see who it is. xD) (another edit: In fact, let's all just put our names in the title of our posts. ;D)
So, for this first prompt:
Lace is soapboxing for Jamie.
Josh is soapboxing for Lace.
Jamie is soapboxing for Cece.
Cece is soapboxing for Josh.
I wonder if we should be setting due dates or something? Um. Hopefully all the freewrites will have been posted and soapboxed before next Saturday, which is June 1st... that is, if we choose to do this weekly... which we may or may not. xD But I suppose that's good to start, yeah?
So, our first prompt comes from Cece! =D
Ripples spread across the surface of the lake, drawing nearer as she watched from the shore.
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